How to filter and download Ticket list?
1. Filter by Ticket group
It is a group ticket filter, just click on the filter name and the system will immediately filter.
The Tickets group filter includes the following groups:
All tickets: is the entire ticket of the company. (Only Owner, Admin can filter)
My tickets: list of tickets created by the current User
My assigned tickets: list of tickets assigned to the current User
My overdue ticket : List of overdue tickets that have not been processed or closed, in charge of the current User.
My resolved tickets: The list of tickets in "Resolved" status is in charge of the current User.
My closed tickets: The list of tickets in the "Closed" status is in charge of the current User.
All opened tickets: The entire list of company tickets has not been resolved or closed. (Only Owner, Admin can filter)
Unassigned open tickets: The entire ticket list of the company has not been assigned. (Only Owner, Admin can filter)
Overdue tickets: The entire list of company tickets is overdue but has not been processed or closed. (Only Owner, Admin can filter)
Escalated tickets: The company's entire list of overdue tickets includes unresolved/unclosed tickets and resolved/overdue tickets. (Only Owner, Admin can filter)
Waiting tickets: The company's entire ticket list is in the status "Waiting for customers", (Only Owner, Admin can filter).
All resolved tickets: The company's entire ticket list is in the status "Resolved", (Only Owner, Admin can filter).
Closed tickets: The entire ticket list of the company has been closed. (Only Owner, Admin can filter).
My followed tickets: the entire list of tickets the current User is following
Step 1. Open tickets pape
Step 2. At the left filter, enter/choose information to filter
You can filter ticket according to:
Lead/ Contact/ Account (the customer related to ticket)
Assigned to (The person in charge of tickets)
Group (The group in charge of tickets)
Ticket categories (ticket category)
Channel (ticket channel)
Creation date (ticket creation date)
Ticket ID (ticket ID range, for example ID from 10 to 20)
Ticket resolution type
Filtering can be applied to multiple information fields at the same time
Step 1. Open Tickets page
The page displays a ticket list with information columns
Step 2. Depending on the information you have, choose to search by that column. You can filter by many columns at the same time.
AntCRM supports searching by all columns of information such as: ID (ticket code), Title, Summary, Person in charge, Group in charge, Creator, Related customers, Ticket status, SLA name, SLA status , Priority, Resolution type, Number of times to reopen ticket, Assignment date, Channel, Related transactions, Category, Category code, Sub category, Sub category sub, Postpone to date, Resolution content .
Note: Mặc định hệ thống chỉ hiển thị 1 số cột thông tin, để mở thêm các cột thông tin cần thiết, bạn thực hiện theo hướng dẫn here.
For example: You want to filter Tickets whose Status is "Closed" and the person in charge is "Thuan Tran"
Choose the status “Closed” at the Status column.
Continue to select employee "Thuan Tran" in the In charge column.
The filtering results are displayed :
4. Download the list of Tickets
Only Owner and Admin have the permission to export Tickets
Step 1. At the ticket list (filtered or unfiltered) ,press Export button
Step 2. Customize your download information if desired:
Field options for export: choose the information columns you want to download
Export type: All tickets of the company (limited to 10,000 tickets) or download according to the current filter.
File name: enter the desired file name or use the name that the random system has available.
Step 3. Press to complete