AntCRM - What are Lead, Contact, Account ? How to create Lead, Contact, Account?

AntCRM - What are Lead, Contact, Account? How to create Lead, Contact, Account?

1. What is Lead? What are Contact, Account?
Leads - also known as Potential Customers, are people who are in need of the product or service you provide, but have never purchased your product (service). Maybe they are using a competitor's product or service, maybe they don't know about your product (service), or maybe your product (service) hasn't really satisfied them yet. ... However, they can become real customers if you have good marketing strategies.
Contact (individual customer), Account (business, company) related to purchasing activities or using services. It is the most precious thing, the deciding factor in the success or failure of each business. That's why businesses are always looking for ways to manage customers, such as::

  • Information about customers who have previously purchased the product

  • Classify customer

  • Potential customer status

  • Update customer information from advertising campaigns

  • Chăm sóc khách hàng cũ của doanh nghiệp

AntCRM is the solution to all of the above problems, bringing you a rich and loyal customer base..
2. How to create Lead, Contact, Account?
Lead, Contact, Account can be created by all authorized employees in the company

There are many different ways to create customers. Currently the system supports 5 ways to create Lead, Contact, Account:

Create manually: Enter the detailed information of Lead, Contact, Account manually on the interface of the Leads, Contacts, Accounts creation page
Import: Import from data file (supports Excel or CSV files)
Webforms: Automatically create Lead, Contact, Account for information, requests, questions left on the website (kite chat / kite call)
Email: Automatically create Lead, Contact, Account for emails pushed to email forwarder
Create  quickly: Lead, Contact, Account are created from a quick create form with basic information

2.1. Create manually:
a) Create leads manually:
Step 1. At Menu bar → choose Leads → click button Create lead

The page goes to the Lead creation page

Step 2: Enter the necessary information of Lead
There are the following information fields:




Lead stages. This section is pre-set up by the admin/Owner on the Leads Settings page


Name of customer, it is a required field


Surname of customer

Date of birth 

Date of birth of customer


Gender of customer

Identity card number/Citizen identification number

Identity card number/Citizen identification number of customer


Position and authority of the customer

Lead source

Source of information of customer


The industry in which that customer is working

Account name

Company name of customer



Customer's phone number, multiple numbers can be added phone calls for 1 customer and cannot be duplicated.


Email of customer, you can add multiple emails for 1 customer and they cannot be duplicates

Social network

Customer social network information


Web page of customer


You can add multiple addresses for a customer, including the following information: 

  • Apartment number, street, ward

  • District

  • Province/City

  • Country


Customer's own note information

Custom fields

Each business will have its own important information, and custom fields serve to add information fields that suit your wishes. Set up by Admin/Owner on the Leads Setup page


Tags are assigned to customers, with the aim of grouping customers with similar characteristics for future customer interactions.


Decentralize permissions so employees can see and operate on Lead. Use 1 of 4 options:

  • All

  • Employee

  • Group

  • Only me

If a user has shared rights with a Lead, that user can see all detailed information of that Lead and can update the Lead. .

However, not everyone who can see the Lead can see the Lead's Permission. Users can see and change the Lead's Permission including:

  • Lead creator

  • The person who is authorized and is the admin/owner of the company

  • Admin/owner is in “Data Owner” group


The employee in charge of the customer carries out interactions related to this customer such as calling, texting, and sending emails...

Step 3: Press Save.
b) Create contacts manually:
Step 1. At Menu bar → choose Contacts→ click button New contact

The page goes to the Contact creation page

Step 2: Enter the necessary information of Contact
There are the following information fields:




Stages of Contact. This section is pre-set by the admin/Owner at the Contacts/Accounts Settings page


Name of customer, it is required field

Last name

Last name of customer

Date of birth

Date of birth of customer


Gender of customer

Identity card number/Citizen identification number

Identity card number/Citizen identification number of customer


Position and authority of the customer

Contact source

Source of information of customer


The industry in which that customer is working

Account name

Company name of customer



Customer's phone number, multiple numbers can be added phone calls for 1 customer and cannot be duplicated.


Email of customer, you can add multiple emails for 1 customer and they cannot be duplicates



Customer social network information


Web page of customer


You can add multiple addresses for a customer, including the following information: 

  • Apartment number, street, ward

  • District

  • Province/City

  • Country


Customer's own note information

Custom field

Each business will have its own important information, and custom fields serve to add information fields that suit your wishes. Set up by Admin/Owner on the Contacts/Accounts Setup page.


Tags are assigned to customers, with the aim of grouping customers with similar characteristics for future customer interactions.


Decentralize permissions so employees can see and operate on Contact. Use 1 of 4 options:

  • All

  • Employee

  • Group

  • Only me

If a user has shared rights with a Contact, that user can see all detailed information of that Contact and can update the Contact .

However, not everyone who can see the Lead can see the Lead's Permission. Users can see and change the Lead's Permission including:

  • Lead creator

  • The person who is authorized and is the admin/owner of the company

  • Admin/owner is in “Data Owner” group


The employee in charge of the customer carries out interactions related to this customer such as calling, texting, and sending emails...

Step 3: Press Save.
b) Create Accounts manually:
Step 1. At Menu bar → choose Accounts→ click button New account

The page goes to the Account creation page

Step 3. Enter Account name (required) and the necessary information
The information of Account is also similar to the information of contact, there are only a few differences like: No date of birth, gender, ID card number, position, account.

Step 4. Press Save to complete creating a new account
2.2. Import Lead, Contact, Account
Import Lead, Contact, Account is a method of uploading an existing customer list in an excel file, saving a lot of time and effort compared to manually adding it. AntCRM supports uploading up to 10,000 customers in 1 import.
Steps to import customer files into AntCRM:
Step 1. At Contacts page, Click on the arrow   next to the button Create Contact
(For Lead, do it on Leads page, press button beside Create Lead button)
(For Lead, do it on Accounts page, press button beside Tạo Account)

Step 2. Press Import button

The page goes to the first step of importing customer lists

Step 3. At the Download Template Step, click the Download button to download the import template
Note: Please follow our template to ensure information is uploaded correctly.
Prepare the file accurately and clearly according to the form.
Press   Continue   to go to Upload step
Step 4. Press Choose Files button, choose the prepared customer list file, choose the sheet containing the customer list

Click   Continue   to go to Mapping step

Step 5. Choose the columns with the corresponding information. Click   Continue

Step 6: At Option step, There are 4 settings for data uploaded to CRM::

Setup section



Set up shared permissions to view and edit customer lists for employees, with 4 options:

  • All: All employees have the right to view and edit 

  • Only me: Only the person who imported this list has permission to view and edit

  • Group: Only members of the chosen group have the right to view and edit

  • Employee: Only chosen employees have the right to view and edit


Tagging serves the purpose of classifying customer groups, making it convenient for filtering and manipulating later. There are 2 ways to tag:

  • Choose and tag available tag

  • Press   +   button to add new and tag 

Choose how to import when checking for duplicate phone numbers or emails

When importing a customer list into the system, duplication is unavoidable, so this step is needed to have the option to add/remove/merge duplicate data, there are 4 options as follows:

  • Skip if identical: If the data in the import file matches the data already available in CRM, the system will no longer import the customer.

  • Double if it is the same: The system still imports this customer as a new customer, not affecting the old information.

  • Overwrite if duplicate: The system will import this customer, the new information will overwrite the old information, the old information will be lost.

  • Merge if duplicate: The system will import this customer, the new information will be merged with the old information. The combined information is: Phone number, email, address, card.


This is the step of assigning customers to care staff, there are 2 ways of assignment:

  • Assign to the group according to Assignment Rule: Choose the group that contains caregivers, Note that you must select the group that has the assignment rule set (round robin or random) to assign. 

  • Assign to a specific employee: Assign all uploaded customer lists to any employee in charge

Click on   Continue   to go to Review step

Step 6. At Review step, Please check all information in the customer list file to upload:

  • Check if the file name is correct or not

  • Check if the Sheet Name is the correct sheet to upload

  • Check Number of Contacts in the file

  • Check Set up how to import when there is a duplicate phone number or email

  • Check tag

  • Check the list of customers in the details table

In addition to the above checking steps, the system will automatically check and warn you of the following errors:

  • The uploaded list has duplicate information in the file, which means there are 2 or more customers in the list file with duplicate emails or phone numbers.

  • The uploaded list contains customers with invalid phone numbers or emails

  • The uploaded list has unnamed customers

If the file has one of the errors above, please edit the file and import again.

If there are no problems with the file, you press   Continue   button to upload to CRM.
Step 7. Press  Continue  button in the import confirmation popup.

The system will notify that the list is being uploaded. The longest time to download is 5 minutes. In fact, if the number of customers is small, the list will finish uploading immediately..

2.3. Automatically create customers from Webforms:

Businesses that have their own website can contact us ( or hotline (1900 636 412) to set up a customer registration form, customer information will be automatically saved to AntCRM system.

This form will bring a large number of potential customers to your company, which will then use this information to run product promotion campaigns.

For example, the form below:

2.4. Automatically create customers from Email Forwarder:

Your company has set up an Email forwarder. Every time a customer sends an email to the system, the system will create a new corresponding customer..


Your company's support email is, with forward settings to AntCRM system (see how to set up forwarder here)

Customers have email, with email registration name KhachHang A, and send an email to your company's support email (

The system will automatically create a new customer named KhachHang A and email is

2.5. Create customer quickly:

Case 1. Press   (+) Create   button at the top of the page:

This is a quick step to create Lead or Contact or Account, you can create customers no matter where you are on any page of AntCRM..

Strep 1. Press   (+) Create   button at the top of the page

Step 2. Press Create Lead or Create  Contact or Create  Account depending on your needs

The page goes to the Create Customer page

Step 3. Enter information and press Save the same way as creating manually.

Case 2. Quickly create customers on the Create/Edit Tickets and Tasks pages

Step 1. At Create/Edit Ticket/ Task page, press   +   button in the customer field

For Account, change the customer type and then press the button   +   .

The page will pop up a customer quick creation popup

Step 2. Enter the name customer (required) and the necessary information

Step 3. Press   Add   to create a new customer.

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Published date: 23/02/2024 5:15PM
Last updated: 23/02/2024 5:15PM ( -
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