AntRing - Instruction to update user information and permissions on AntRing

Instruction to update user information and permissions on AntRing

1. Introduction

This document supports the Operations Department in updating information/permissions and suspending employees if they have quit.

2. Access configuration page:

Step 1: Login Antbuddy web by Admin/owner account


Choose the company name if you belong to many companies

Choose AntRing at onboarding- welcome page

Step 2: Press Settings on the menu

Step 3: Automatically navigate to the Configuration - Switchboard Administration page

Choose "General settings" on the main menu ---> choose "Users" tab

3. Operations with employees

3.1.Operations to update permissions:

Tick the user that you want to change (You can  quickly search for the employee who need to operate by name, email in the search box)

Choose the permission that you want to change for the employee → Press Save to complete the configuration

  • Give the permission/remove Supervisor permission : Permission to View reports and call history

  • Give Admin permission: Permission to View and Setting the system

  • Give Call Agent permission: 

  • Want to suspend a user who has resigned:

  • Reset password on the AntBuddy when forgetting the previous login password.

  • Export the employee list on AntRing

Note: Can tick and operate for multiple users at the same time

3.2. Operation to update user information

Step 1: Press Update profile

Step 2: Change the information such as name, email

Step 3: Press Save to update completely

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Published date: 12/12/2023 9:06AM
Last updated: 12/12/2023 9:06AM ( -
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